Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church
Find your spiritual home in the Orthodox Christian Church. Join us this Sunday to worship Christ, our King and God.
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A Place to Belong
Father Christopher Makiej and Presvytera Katerina welcome you to join us in worshiping and glorifying our Lord and Savior this Sunday.
Following Christ is not only about believing, it’s also about belonging. We are all members of His Body of believers known as the Church.
Saint Paul taught that for our inner organs to fulfill their purpose, they must be connected to our body. The same is true for us as members of Christ’s body. We find our purpose by being connected to a living, local Church. It is truly our place to belong.

How to Join Our Parish
- Attend Sunday Liturgy.
- Introduce yourself to our parish Priest, Deacon or a member of the Council or Usher teams.
- Fill out a Visitor’s Form located in the Narthex. Drop it in with the candle offerings or mail it to the office so we can follow up with you.
- Get involved in the parish by joining our Church ministries and attending events.
- Subscribe to the ListServe and connect with us on Facebook and YouTube to receive faith messages and news about parish activities.
- Make a prayerful commitment of your time, talent and treasure to the parish as an active member of the Body of Christ.
Sunday Family Worship
9:00 AM: Orthros
10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy begins (9:30 AM during Summer)
10:25 AM: Youth sermon
11:00 AM: Holy Communion
11:00 AM-12:00 Noon: Sunday School begins (after Communion)
12:00–1:00 PM: Family hour with refreshments in the Grand Hall

Our Mission
Proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the Orthodox Christian faith.
Bless the faithful through worship, the Divine Liturgy and the Sacraments of the Church.
Invite all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and into a loving, caring parish family.
Provide ministries and activities that glorify God.
Parish Life

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
Mark 12:30