Youth Ministries

Inspiration, Learning and Fun!

Youth ministries help lay the foundation for our Christian Orthodox faith by teaching children to become lifelong followers, growing in Christ, through faith-based programs and enjoyable fellowship activities. Embedding good spiritual habits and biblical knowledge during childhood helps develop gospel-centered kids and gospel-centered families.

All parish youth are invited to join our Church’s ministries. Adult volunteers are always welcome and needed to assist in leadership positions as well as assistants. Special event details are posted on the parish website, our Facebook page, in The Word, and sent via email newsletter communications. If you have any questions, please contact the Church office.

Altar Boys

Altar Boys serve in the Holy Altar assisting the clergy in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and other holy services. Altar teams, made up of boys ages 9 and up, typically serve once every three weeks.

If you’re interested in joining this ministry, speak to Fr. Chris or one of the altar captains, Michael Makiej and Michaelangelo Tsaparlis.



GOYA (ages 12-18) and JOY (ages 7-11) basketball are team-building ministries. Teams practice locally and participate in the Metropolis of Boston youth basketball league at Hellenic College in Brookline. Leader/Coach: Dylan Archambault


Summer, Fall & Winter

Orthodox Christian camps bring JOY and GOYA youth together from all over New England. Campers enjoy faith-building activities while gaining strong friendship bonds. Summer, Fall and Winter sessions are offered by the Metropolis of Boston Camp in Contoocook, NH. 

Greek School

Our Greek School program offers Greek language classes for Pre-K to 6th grade students. Children also participate in poems, plays and other Hellenic cultural observances throughout the year.

Leader: Presvytera Katerina

Greek Dance

Greek dance instruction is offered to all parish youth. The group holds weekly rehearsals and performs at local cultural events and celebrations. OPA! Leader: Diana Koster


Greek Orthodox Youth Association (GOYA) is for youth ages 12-18. Members participate in enriching activities to preserve and grow their Orthodox faith like Bible studies, “life” discussions, overnight retreats, dances, and charity outreach.

Nursery / Toddler Area

Parents who bring their infants or young toddlers to church can comfort them in the Nursery on the lower level of the Church while seeing and hearing the Liturgy through the TV monitor.

Leaders: Lauri Diamantis, Angela Kulesza


Junior Orthodox Youth group (JOY) is for children ages 7-11. Participants gather once or twice a month for Orthodox Christian discussions, music, group games, outings, retreats and FUN!

Overnight Retreats

Overnight retreats are organized throughout the year for GOYA age youth at various locations.

Being in a different setting encourages spiritual “recharging” and Orthodox Christian learning through relaxed talks, interactive presentations, breakout sessions, and more to help our youth deepen their faith.

Sunday School

Each Sunday, directly after communion, parish youth in grades Pre-K  to 12 receive an uplifting Orthodox Christian education with age appropriate curriculum.

Leader: Angela Kulesza

Vacation Church School

A robust, interactive summer program for children ages 4-12. VCS themes change from year to year and typically run three consecutive evenings. Lots of laughter and learning is had by all!

Leaders: Lauri Diamantis, Angela Kulesza

Youth Choir

Sunday School students learn the Byzantine chants of our Orthodox Church and sing the Divine Liturgy on the first Sunday of every month.

Leader: Presvytera Katerina

Youth Safety and Protection

At Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, all youth ministry leaders and advisors undergo and must pass a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) background check for the safety of participating parish youth. 

Leader: Georgianne Medor

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6