Giving Financially
Stewardship promotes and advances the Christian way of life; the giving of our time, talent and treasure to support and operate all the ministries and activities of our Church. Donating financially to support the workings of an active parish like ours is just as critical as volunteering one’s time.
Our Church provides a place for parishioners to believe and grow in their Orthodox Christian faith through worship, celebrations, ministries and fellowship. We depend on the generous financial giving of our body of believers. With your heartfelt pledges, we can maintain our Church facilities, do God’s work, and grow in Christ together.
We recently moved our online giving platform to Tithely, a trusted service which enables parishioners to give securely from anywhere, at any time. Click here for general Frequently Asked Questions. Also, a one-page guide is available under the DONATE NOW button below to help with using the app from our website. It’s not much different than other online payment methods people are comfortable using these days. Thank you for your support!
Stewardship Chairperson: Carole DiPietro

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7