Pastoral Services
Church Sacraments
There are special experiences in our corporate life as Orthodox Christians when the perception of God’s presence and actions is heightened and celebrated. We call these events of the Church Sacraments. Traditionally, the Sacraments have been known as Mysteries in the Orthodox Church. This description emphasizes that in these special events of the Church, God discloses Himself through the prayers and actions of His people.
If you would like to plan a Baptism, Chrismation or Wedding, or are in need of other sacramental services like Confession, Holy Unction for the sick or a Funeral, contact the Church office for scheduling.

Counseling Services
Father Christopher helps parishioners foster coping skills to resolve life challenges, emotional crises and relational goals using principles of the Orthodox Christian faith and scriptural teachings. He also offers professional referrals for additional and ongoing support.
Contact the office if you are in need of any of the following counseling services:
- Family and parenting
- Grief and bereavement
- Marriage
Pastoral Care
Our Church connects and invests in the lives of our parishioners by bringing them the light and love of Christ.
Contact the office to request any of the following pastoral care services:
- Home blessings
- Hospital visits
- New family visits
- Nursing home and "shut in" visits

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
2 Corinthians 13:14